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T Properties

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Licensed In Ohio

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Managed Rental Properties in Cincinnati, OH

"Quality Housing For Quality People"

FAQ for Homes & Houses for Rent in Cincinnati, OH


When you are considering working with a rental property management company, it is essential to understand just how helpful they will be when it comes to getting you a good return on your investment. T Properties is proud of the work we provide our clients with homes and houses for rent throughout Cincinnati, OH. That is why we are more than happy to answer any questions you have about our services.

If you don't find the answers you are looking for below, please feel free to contact us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We can't wait to help you make the most out of your investment properties.

What Do Property Managers Do?

Property managers make it easier for you to get a better ROI on your homes and houses for rent. As your property manager, they will:

Act As an Agent on Your Behalf
Prepare Properties for Renting
Inspect Properties Before, During, & After a Lease Term
Market Properties
Make Properties Available for Prospective Tenants to View
Receive Applications & Screen the Applicants
Coordinate Lease Singings & Renewals
Maintain the Investment Property
Provide Administrative & Financial Property Management
Correspond with Owners & Tenants
Coordinate Utility Payments During the Make-Ready Process

How Are Tenants Found for the Property?

The homes and houses for rent will be advertised online and on various rental marketing directories. We will then thoroughly screen all applicants we receive to find the right fit for your space.

What Is Usually Looked for In Tenants?

Employment Stability – This indicates whether the tenant is likely to stay for the nominated lease period and whether they will have the funds to pay for it.

Good Credit History – Gives us an indication of the tenant's ability to pay the rent on time.

Avoid Overcrowding – Ask about the number of people who will be living in the property to avoid overcrowding, which can cause excessive wear and tear.

Proof of Identity – We take a photocopy of the tenant's driver's license for proof of identity.

How Much Will an Investment Property Lease For?

The lease rate is determined by several market factors, including the rental property's location, its condition, and the rental rates of competing homes in the immediate area. The markets that dictate lease rates can vary vastly from those that influence the property's value. Please get in touch with us, and we can discuss projected lease rates for your specific property.

How Do Property Inspections Work?

Regular property inspections are typically completed when taking on the rental, midway through a lease term, and when a tenant moves out. Inspections can also be performed at any other time as the owner requests. These periodic inspections are recommended to determine preventative maintenance and gauge the extent of tenant damages (if any) to the property.